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May 27, 2013

GMO Foods- A Perspective

When Mother Teresa was asked many years ago if she would attend an anti-war rally, her answer was rather profound:  I will not be part of an anti-war demonstration. As soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there. 
So when I was presented with an anti-GMO rally, I was hesitant. Not seeing a pro-organic rally coming up anytime soon, I acquiesced and went. Sometimes when we are pro-health, we need to be anti- sickness (anti-GMO).  
The NYC March Against Monsanto this past Saturday at Union Square in NYC had a wonderful turnout.

May 16, 2013

The Intelligence of Wisdom Teeth

There seems to be a mindset in conventional dentistry that wisdom teeth are superfluous. That they should be extracted at a young age before they can cause a problem.  These teeth are believed to have the potential to create anterior tooth crowding and infections in the mouth.  They are difficult to keep clean since they are way back in the far corners of your mouth, and you should get them out NOW, before the troubles start.

This mentality is definitely not what I would call holistic thinking.  It is analogous to a dentist placing fillings in the grooves of non-carious teeth, only because they have a high potential to develop a cavity. Sounds farfetched, but I have seen this done in one office I worked in many years ago. 

Rational thinking would show that all of your teeth are important, wisdom included.