Welcome to the official blog of The Brand Wellness Center. Please join us for holistic health news, inspirational insights and enlightening ideas on healing. Feel free to add your comments and share our blog with friends.

December 31, 2012

Earthing 1

Earthing is a relatively new concept in the field of natural health. It is different than grounding since you actually need to connect to Earth for it to occur. Although many of us have been doing it as a natural course in feeling well, the science of how it works has really not been discovered until recently.

Haven’t you noticed how wonderful you feel after spending a little time laying on the grass or swimming at the beach? There is more than an emotional relaxation going on; there is an actual physical reaction occurring

December 1, 2012

My Secrets to Regaining Health

Post Hurricane Sandy has been a bit of a mess in the tri-state area.

Some of us lost electricity for a few days, but others lost so much more. I was one of the lucky ones. Although I had no electric or water at my home, my office was totally operational.  With no clients, but a completely functional computer, I got busy.

In the week following Sandy, I was able to put together a small book My Secrets to Regaining Health. In this manual, I have shared many of the actions that I have taken to come back from the debilitating health challenges that come from chronic

October 14, 2012

Nitric Oxide and The 2 Minute Tune Up

I just recently returned from a holistic dental meeting and I was surprised to come across a company that has a system that measures cellular nitric oxide levels from a saliva sample.

For those who don’t know, nitric oxide is a free form of gas produced by the cells in our body. It is produced when enzymes in the body break down the amino acid Arginine, and is mainly used for intra-cellular communication.

Nitric oxide is required for key physiological functions within our body and travels freely from one cell to another assisting in a variety of biological functions. Depending on the requirement, nitric oxide can act as a hormone, a neurotransmitter and an intracellular messenger.

It is essential that the cells produce adequate amounts of this gas within our bodies. Body builders or those who perform rigorous physical activities

September 2, 2012

Overbrushing Your Teeth

Common sense might dictate, “If I brush harder, my teeth will get whiter.” Unfortunately, this kind of thinking can backfire. Overbrushing is the number one cause of tooth abrasion.  Initially, your teeth may look cleaner and brighter with vigorous brushing, but ultimately you will wear the outer white enamel layer thin and the yellow/brown/gray secondary layer will begin to show through.  That may explain why your teeth get darker as you  get older.  If the enamel is worn away, not only will the teeth  look darker, but perhaps even look  thinner.

Toothbrush Abrasion

Toothbrush abrasion may also affect your gums too. Often the earliest sign of the problem is

July 28, 2012

Dr. Brand’s Book

For those who aren’t aware, I have been working on my book for the last 2 years. It was just published 2 weeks ago.  “Congratulations” you say. Well, “Thank you very much.” 

But here is the surprise; it is NOT about toxic dentistry and how to avoid it. At least not totally. 

 Enlightened Indigo Child
A Personal Guide to Flourishing with a Sixth Sense

You see, although I have been a practicing dentist for over 30 years,

June 24, 2012

Seeds for Health

When one hears the word hemp, one usually thinks of something illegal (marijuana) or the fabric that makes potato sack bags. 

Though its name might be a bit misleading, hemp milk is a perfectly legal, not to mention a healthy alternative for everyone to drink. Produced from the seeds of the hemp plant, this milk has only begun to be sold in the United States within the past few years.

One concern that people have about hemp milk is that it might contain some of the chemical THC which is found in marijuana.

May 5, 2012

Jump Your Way to Health!

I take my cues for blogging from the patients that come to the office. Lately, I have had a cluster of clients with issues concerning their lymph system. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs. It is composed mainly of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph. Lymph vessels, which are different from blood vessels, carry fluid called lymph throughout your body. Lymph contains white blood cells that defend you against germs. Throughout the vessels are lymph nodes. Along with your spleen, these nodes are where white blood cells fight infection. Your bone marrow and thymus produce the cells in lymph. They are part of the system, too.

The lymphatic system clears away infection and keeps your body fluids in balance.

March 26, 2012

Air Abrasion: Pain-free Dentistry

Air abrasion was invented in the 1940's, as an answer to the age old challenge of making dental care treatment as humane and as painless as possible. It has survived all these years with limited usage but has recently made a tremendous comeback since the numbers of bonded fillings has increased. Back in the old days, before bonded fillings, air abrasion usage was fairly limited to specific dental procedures. Nowadays, it can be used for almost all restorations as a way to remove decay and increase the bond strength of your white composite bonded restorations.

Air Abrasion Machine

Air abrasion has many advantages over rotary (drill) instrumentation.

February 26, 2012

Health and Happiness Summit with Dr. Oz

Health, happiness, Dr. Oz. Three ingredients that create a sure recipe for success.  

The Health and Happiness Summit with Dr. Oz at Radio City Music Hall this weekend was definitely a success. With an enthusiastic audience of 6000, and a cast of health experts with amazing credentials how can you go wrong?  Even William Shatner showed up for a few minutes of entertainment. So hard to believe he’s over 80 years old and still appears so much younger. 

There were many pearls of health, but for blog purposes, the focus will be on the two most nefarious toxins in the dental field.  Mercury and fluoride.

February 2, 2012

Geriatric Dentistry

Recently, I have noticed that many patients have been bringing in their elderly parents for dental checkups. This is a great idea since it appears that a good percentage of the elderly have been remiss in their personal oral hygiene.

As we age, “senior moments” (of forgetfulness) become more and more common.

January 5, 2012

Nourishing Nori

For centuries, Nori has been valued as a food of longevity and detoxification by Asian cultures. It is a sea vegetable known for its nutritional and medicinal qualities.Western cultures have now embraced it for its health benefits, particularly in its ability to cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals