In light of the recent stance by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) along with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), that our youth are over fluoridated, I think it is timely to review this topic.
The government first began encouraging municipal water systems to add fluoride in the early 1950s. Since then, fluoride has been put in toothpaste and mouthwash. It is also in a lot of tap waters, bottled waters, and most drinks made from them, including soda and reconstituted juices. Additionally, some children even take fluoride supplements.
Since 1962, the fluoridated water standard has been in a range of 0.7 parts per million for warmer climates where people drink more water, to 1.2 parts per million in cooler regions. The new proposal from HHS would set the recommended level at just 0.7. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it is reviewing whether to lower the maximum allowable level of fluoride in drinking water from the current 4 parts per million.
As a result of this fluoride overdosing, there has been an increase in discoloration of our children’s teeth. Sure the enamel is stronger and less likely to have decay, but who wants to smile with splotchy pearly browns and yellows?