Welcome to the official blog of The Brand Wellness Center. Please join us for holistic health news, inspirational insights and enlightening ideas on healing. Feel free to add your comments and share our blog with friends.

December 14, 2011

Cures for the Grinding Holiday Stress

One of the most stressful times of the year is during the holidays.

Between Thanksgiving and New Years, partying and family gatherings are at the top of the list.  But for many, somewhere along the way, the stress, the unrealistic expectations and the unreasonable demands show up; and the next thing you know, you're anxious, depressed, over-tired, and dreading one more day of the so-called "holiday good cheer."

If you have been waking up with your teeth clenched, and your head muscles in painful spasm,

November 19, 2011

De-plasticizing You!

Billions of dollars have been made from putting plastics, fluoride and heavy-metal containing technology into everyday life. The industrial world is wealthy beyond belief. And the truth is that our bodies have become the world’s biggest toxic dumps. 

And due to the recent questions that I have received from patients from my last blog, there is a need to mention plastic detoxing.

The thing to realize is that plastic is everywhere. It is not only found in nearly all packaged foods, but even in cardboard milk containers that are now coated with plastic rather than wax. It is also sprayed on commercial and some organic produce to preserve its freshness. Ever notice that sticky plastic wrapping at the cut stem of your organic bananas? 

October 28, 2011

BPA: A Real Life Case Study- Celeste’s Story

An interesting occurrence just happened with our dog Celeste. She has been with us since the age of 9 weeks, so we pretty much know her personal doggie health and habits. She has always eaten very healthy home cooked food from stainless steel or ceramic bowls. But about 6 months ago, we started serving her food from the plastic container that it was stored in the refrigerator.
Shortly thereafter, she developed a little growth on her lip. The veterinarian said that Celeste probably bit herself and that the little fibroma could be surgically removed or left there. The thought of putting Celeste under anesthesia

October 21, 2011

Saliva Secrets: pH

As many of you already know, we always take a pH reading of your saliva at every routine hygiene visit. The question I often hear is “Why?"

Well, to put it simply, the saliva pH has got to be the easiest gauge of your overall health. No blood sample. No urine sample. But in less than 2 seconds we can tell the general condition of your entire body. Pretty amazing stuff!

A healthy saliva pH runs about

September 25, 2011

Freshen Your Breath. Freshen Your Life.

Having a problem getting a date? Or a job?  

The cause may be more esoteric than your personality, looks or business qualifications.

Bad breath or halitosis is a condition that very few people talk about upfront. It’s an awkward topic that is usually discussed about you, after you have left the room. Most of us are afraid that it may create embarrassment or awkward feelings if actually discussed with you.

So let me set the record straight. If you are supposedly a GOOD friend to someone who has a halitosis problem, live up to your reputation and BE a GOOD friend, and tell your

September 16, 2011

Healthy Children Have Healthy Teeth

Tooth decay is one of the biggest health issues among children, accounting for over 51 million hours of school time lost every year. What’s more, poor dental health in youth can lead to chronic dental and other health problems.  Discomfort, difficulty chewing and the need for painful and expensive procedures can all be prevented. We just need to take good care of our children’s dental health now, and instill some happy dental memories for our children.

So the question is: How do we do this?
And the answer is: