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October 8, 2024

Fluoride Conspiracy Theory Confirmed

 A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because high levels could pose a risk to the intellectual development of children.

 The ruling by District Court Judge Edward Chen, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, deals a blow to public health groups in the growing debate about whether the benefits of adding fluoride to the water supply outweighs its risks.

 This ruling validates one of the longest-running so-called conspiracy theories in America—that the government’s use of fluoridation, especially in specific communities, might be part of a deliberate attempt to lower intelligence in order to create a more compliant and subservient population for the New World Order. Historically, fluoride was used for exactly this purpose for concentration camp victims during WWII.

 U.S. District Judge Edward Chen cautioned that it’s not certain that the amount of fluoride typically added to water is causing lower IQ in kids, but he concluded that mounting research points to an unreasonable risk that it could be. He ordered the EPA to take steps to lower that risk, but didn’t say what those steps should be.

 The judge's ruling cites a review by the National Institutes of Health's toxicology program finalized last month, which concluded that "higher levels" of fluoride are now linked to lowered IQ in children. 

 It’s the first time a federal judge has made a determination about the neurodevelopmental risks to children of the recommended U.S. water fluoride level, It is touted as the most historic ruling in the U.S. fluoridation debate that has ever occurred.

Judge Chen said he left it up to the EPA as to which options the agency could take in response to his ruling. They range from a warning label about fluoride's risks at current levels to taking steps towards tightening restrictions on its addition to drinking water.

"One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court's finding, is to ignore that risk," he wrote.

Michael Connett, a partner at the law firm (Siri & Glimstad) and the lead attorney for the groups who brought the lawsuit, said the law now requires EPA to take action to remove the risk of fluoride.

"From our vantage point, the obvious way of eliminating the risk from adding fluoride chemicals to drinking water is to stop adding them," he told CBS News.

And we agree with him completely. A neurotoxin should never be added to drinking water.

If you like this post you may also like: The Flaws of Fluoride

5 Ways to Detox from Fluoride

August 21, 2024

Flossing Basics

Ever wonder about the proper way to floss? There's more to it than just removing the food between your teeth. Cleaning under the gums is important to maintaining a healthy dentition and avoiding periodontal disease.

Flossing Basics

If you like this post, you may also like:: Floss First

July 8, 2024

Eating Bugs May be Hazardous to Your Health

 *WARNING: Do not read if bugs make you squeamish.


In case you missed it, there has recently been a big push in eating bugs.  There are lots of youtubes of celebrities eating such and encouraging others to do so as well.

It is touted as being a solution to our planet’s growing “food and climate” crises. Throughout our history, humans and animals around the world have consumed these protein and nutrient-rich bugs.

Fortunately, this habit hasn't been widely adopted as part of modern Western diets. However things may be changing. A growing number of consumers in the West are now embracing entomophagy, or insect-eating as a new dietary habit. Insect producing farms are opening up globally.


Although high in protein and some nutrients, the downside is much more concerning. According to a recent PubMed research paper, here’s what they aren’t telling you:

Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans.

"...edible insects are often infected by pathogens and parasites. These pathogens also pose an indirect threat for humans..."


To ease its use into our everyday diet, parasite flour and colorings are already in commonly eaten foods. 

This label below is from Tropicana orange juice.

Tropicana with bug coloring

Orange juice with insect coloring


Tropicana is labeling their juice blends as "100% Juice," but it includes the use of cochineal extract as "coloring."  Cochineal extract is a red dye made out of dried female cochineal insects.

Cochineal Extract has no place in fruit juice claiming to be "100% Juice."  According to their ranking list of ingredients, there's more bug extract than actual strawberry juice concentrate (the last ingredient listed)!


Another example are these nutty flavored chips made with cricket flour.  It is promoted as a high protein chip, and I assume gluten free.

Chirps, cricket flour
Chips made from insects

In light of increasing chronic health problems, it might be wise to avoid eating anything made with bugs, since most of these products come with a side dose of parasites.

Reading the ingredient list on the package can be helpful, but bug ingredients are not always blatantly labeled as bugs. Obviously if you see cricket powder or mealworm, it is fairly obvious that bugs are in there. But insect ingredients can also go by other names, such as numbers and letters.

Bottom line: If you don’t recognize the list of ingredients as a familiar conventional food ingredient, don’t buy it. And more importantly, if you value your health, avoid eating bugs. Once you become infected with parasites, chronic health problems are inevitable.

P.S. Parasites love heavy metals (e.g. mercury from amalgam fillings). Together, they will set up biofilms in you that will be challenging to eradicate.

If you like this article you may also like: Are My Mercury Fillings Bad for Me?